Pain Langauge
Language and the context of who is using it can influence how we feel about our body and conditions we may have and have a huge impact on our outlook and futures.
How Can I Sleep in Pregnancy?
Sleeping in pregnancy can be difficult at the best of times, but what are the safest positions to sleep in for both Mum and Bub?How can I sleep during pregnancy? There is NO DIFFERENCE laying on your LEFT or RIGHT hand side in all stages of pregnancy!
The Next Step in Ankle Rehab
For those who have recently suffered an ankle injury though - we have you covered!Today we follow on from out recent blog on acute/ short term management of your ankle injury - AKA what to do in the week that follows. Today we would like to talk about your best strategies in the months that follow!
Let’s Talk Ankle Injuries!
Ankle injuries - like rolling your ankle - are a common day to day injury that affect most people at some time. However once you have sprained or strained your ankle once, there is a high likelihood you will do it again!
Heart & Lung Care
When asked about cardiovascular health, most people's thought go straight to blood pressure and cholesterol, and forget the bigger picture (which do include the lungs). Yes, it is vital that the heart itself is in good working order, but there are ways that we can make the hearts job easier. Here are a few ways we might do this:
Stress Urinary Incontinence
Stress urinary incontinence refers to an involuntary loss of urine where there is physical stress on the bladder associated with increased intra-abdominal pressure. What does this mean? Pressure on the bladder during activities such as jumping, sneezing, laughing or coughing maybe even standing up from a chair may result in urinary leakage.
Pelvic Girdle Pain
PGP in pregnancy is a collection of uncomfortable symptoms caused by a misalignment or stiffness of your pelvic joints. Some ladies may experience a shooting pain over their pubic bone (front), also known as pubic symphysis dysfunction (SPD) and others may find pain moving into their lower back, causing Sacroiliac (SI) joint pain, or sometimes into the hip or thigh.
New Year, New Goals: Achieving Your Best Health in 2024
Welcome to a Fresh Start at Chevron Island Physio!
Happy New Year from all of us at Chevron Island Physio! The arrival of 2024 offers a fresh slate and a wonderful opportunity to set health goals that are not just inspiring but also achievable. This is your year to shine in terms of health and wellbeing!
The 5 Components of Wellness
5 Components of Wellness
Wellness is optimal health, a way of life, making responsible decisions about lifestyle choices.
There are 5 main components of wellness. Each are imperative wedges of the pie that add up to complete and well rounded wellness.
Over the next 5 weeks we will dive into each component more thoroughly and give practical tips for enhancing them in your own life.
Be Good To Your Back This Holiday
With Christmas and New Year’s fast approaching, many of us have extensive “to-do” lists for the week ahead. From holiday shopping to cooking and cleaning for guests, wrapping presents and traveling to see friends and family, it’s simply a very busy time of year. So perhaps it’s not surprising that the holidays are also a prime time for back pain, with GP's and physiotherapists reporting a seasonal high in patients seeking help for an acute or chronic issue.
The Importance of Your Glutes
What are the glutes?They are 3 large muscles on the back of your hip. Gluteus maximus, minimus and medius. Why are they so important?They are the biggest group of muscles in your body and they should be the strongest & most powerful mover of the body. They have many actions- they help to move the leg backwards, stabilise you as you walk, stand on one leg, get up out of a chair, squat and much much more. Having weak glutes can lead to problems with your back, knees, feet and balance.
The Core
The "core" is a word that people may use to describe a few different things. Colloquially this word has become synonymous with abdominals. Depending on who you ask you may get a different answer because "the core" is not a structure. I define the core as everything but your arms and legs. It is the cylinder of the body- the trunk. The top of the core is the diaphragm and the bottom is the pelvic floor. It includes all the muscles and structures that surround the area from below your neck to the hips. Abdominal muscles, shoulder girdle, back muscles, and glutes.
What is the Perfect Posture?
Your spine has 3 curves: cervical lordosis, thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis. These 3 curves create an S shape of your spine. In general, your pelvis should be in a neutral position, meaning it is not tilted too far forward or back. Your shoulders should be back standing proud and your head should be on top of your shoulders, not poking out forward or looking down.
Make Working From Home Comfortable
Make Working From Home Comfortable
With a lot of people working from home, you may be finding it hard to find the perfect desk set up at home. Or you may always struggle with finding a comfortable set up at work. Read this post to get some tips!
Safeguard Your Spine at Christmas
To help make sure you’re in a festive mood when Santa strikes, here are a few common sense pieces of advice to keep in mind while you’re getting ready to ring in the New Year.
Plantar Fasciopathy: Otherwise known as Plantar Fasciitis
Are you an unlucky sufferer of Plantar Fasciopathy, otherwise know as Plantar Fasciitis?
Fixing Headaches
The Power of Pilates: Elevate Your Body, Mind, and Well-being
In a world buzzing with fitness trends and exercise fads, there's a timeless practice that has quietly woven its way into the fabric of holistic well-being — Pilates.
Message from the Director
Dear valued members of the Chevron Island Physio community,
It is with immense pleasure and excitement that I present our clinic's fresh new look through this newsletter. As we embrace this rebranding, I wish to reassure each one of you that while our appearance may have changed, our foundational ethos and commitment remain unwavering.