Plantar Fasciopathy: Otherwise known as Plantar Fasciitis

Are you an unlucky sufferer of Plantar Fasciopathy, otherwise know as Plantar Fasciitis?
Nerd Alert:
Research has shown that this condition involves thickening and degenerative changes to the plantar fascia rather than inflammatory changes so the suffix “opathy” defines the condition more accurately than “itis” .

What is it?
The plantar fascia is the thick bands of connective tissue under your foot which go from each 5 toes to the heel bone. It functions to support the arch and stabilise your foot as you walk. Plantar fasciopathy is a degenerative irritation of the insertion of the plantar fascia on your heel bone. 

-Heel pain with the first few steps in the morning
-Tight achilles tendon
-Pain is worse when barefoot or on hard surfaces
-Pain with walking- you may notice you want to walk more on your toes to avoid heel contact 

What causes it?
It is an overuse injury due to repetitive stress but it can occur due to a multitude of factors
-Improper shoes
-Elevated BMI
-Diabetes Mellitus
-Sudden increase in activity level

Can Physio’s help?
Yes! We will do a few assessments to determine if it is plantar fasciopathy or one of the many other conditions of the foot. From there we will give you advice and education about the condition and provide individualised treatment for you which may include:
-joint mobilisations
-footwear changes
-Pain management strategies
-Activity modification advice

Bottom line:
It is NOT something you have to live with, come on in and see us for help getting back on your feet pain free!

If we can help in anyway please contact us. Our Physios are always available to help you get back to feeling yourself as quickly as possible.

Written by Alison Jeffrey - Physiotherapist, Women’s Health Special Interest, Pilates Instructor.

To see our Physiotherapists or book in for a Pilates consult, book an appointment with us online today or call our team on 07 55 04 7000.




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