Meet The Team

Remedial Massage Therapist

Anna was drawn to study Massage Therapy through her own experience of learning to balance a challenging health condition and personal stress.  She understands the value of a massage for calming the nervous system and took the leap into study so she could help others facing similar challenges.  She chose to study Remedial Massage to gain a thorough understanding of how the bodies systems work and interact with each other.  She is fascinated by the way our bodies react and adapt to heal.

Since gaining her Diploma of Remedial Massage – Advanced Rehab, she has also studied Oncology Massage Levels 1 and 2. She enjoys all aspects of her work including Musculoskeletal issues, Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Pregnancy Massage. Anna is now looking forward to completing a course as a Paediatric Massage Consultant soon.

Over the course of her work life, it has been the connection with people that she values the most, and now she can continue to foster more connections.

Anna is a proud mother of three smart, independent children. She cherishes her friendships and loves live music, reading and spending time in nature.