The Importance of Your Glutes

What are the glutes?
They are 3 large muscles on the back of your hip. Gluteus maximus, minimus and medius.
Why are they so important?
They are the biggest group of muscles in your body and they should be the strongest & most powerful mover of the body. They have many actions- they help to move the leg backwards, stabilise you as you walk, stand on one leg, get up out of a chair, squat and much much more. Having weak glutes can lead to problems with your back, knees, feet and balance.
What causes glute weakness?
Our modern lives are very sedentary. Most people spend more time sitting than moving. When you sit your glutes are inactive and stretched. This can lead to issues with glute activation. Like any muscle, if you don't use it you lose it. 
How can I strengthen my glutes? 
Check out last weeks post where I showed you my favourite glute exercises.

Written by Alison Jeffery - Physiotherapist, Women’s Health Specialist &
Pilates Instructor.

To see our Physiotherapists or book in for a Pilates consult, book an appointment with us online today or call our team on 07 55 04 7000.


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