Stress Urinary Incontinence

Stress Urinary incontinence (SUI)
Stress urinary incontinence refers to an involuntary loss of urine where there is physical stress on the bladder associated with increased intra-abdominal pressure. What does this mean?
Pressure on the bladder during activities such as jumping, sneezing, laughing or coughing maybe even standing up from a chair may result in urinary leakage.
This downward force on the bladder creates increased pressure on the pelvic floor and if weak, leakage can occur.
Unfortunately, SUI is common and affects up to 30 percent of women, many of whom “put up” with their symptoms. However, there are many treatment options available.
There is grade A evidence to demonstrate that pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) is the gold standard and first line conservative treatment for SUI.
A physiotherapist working in pelvic health is trained to assess the strength, endurance and coordination of the pelvic floor to identify the possible cause and prescribe an individual PFMT program.
I like treating stress urinary incontinence because it can make a massive difference to your life and your confidence.

Ladies if this is you don’t put up with your symptoms! There is lots we can do so you can laugh without leaking!!

We hope to see you in the clinic very soon.

Best Wishes.

Written by Alison Jeffery - Physiotherapist, Women’s Health Specialist &
Pilates Instructor.

Written by Georgia Feben - Physiotherapist, Women’s Health Specialist & Pilates Instructor.

To see our Physiotherapists or book in for a Pilates consult, book an appointment with us online today or call our team on 07 55 04 7000.


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