Neck Pain Prevention

Do you experience neck pain over and over again?

Did you know, 70-80% of people once they have their first episode of neck pain will have a second and a third episode. Manual treatment, mobilisations or massage of the neck can help reduce the pain. However impairments to the neuromuscular and sensorimotor systems often remain. Therefore, even when we know that rehabilitation of the neck is vital for long term recovery, this is often cut short when the pain has resolved.


Simple maintenance exercises can improve outcomes and take only a couple of minutes. Think of them like brushing your teeth. We all know that brushing our teeth is a preventative measure and we understand that doing it twice a day decreases tooth and gum decay.


Two simple moves that can help are:

1) Regular posture correction. This does not mean sticking your chest out, more that you lengthen your neck and spine, drawing up from the back of the head. Hold this for 10 seconds.

2) Pretend you are drawing a bow as if you were to shoot an arrow to the left and hold for 5 seconds. Relax your arms down and redraw to the right side and hold for 5 seconds, repeat 3 times each side alternating. Both exercises should be done every 2 hours throughout the day. A brief, regular respite for your neck joints, ligaments and muscles.

If you have any concerns about you neck control, pain or range of movement you should visit your physiotherapist for an assessment and further rehabilitation advice.

Our physio's at Chevron Island Physio can do a thorough assessment and explanation around what the source of your symptoms and/or the influences contributing to your pain experience.  Reassurance, good insight/understanding and hope is the perfect recipe for conquering our pain experience.

We hope to see you in the clinic very soon.

Best Wishes.

Written by Alison Jeffery - Physiotherapist, Women’s Health Specialist &
Pilates Instructor.

To see our Physiotherapists or book in for a Pilates consult, book an appointment with us online today or call our team on 07 55 04 7000.


Neck & Back Pain - While Bike Riding


Pain Langauge